Beautiful Bridal Bouquets

The bridal bouquet may have originated in ancient times as a small hand-grabbed bunch of spices and herbs designed to ward off evil spirits, but those days are long gone now. Modern bouquets have evolved into stunning works of art that serve as one of the most important style statements the bride can accessorize herself with on her wedding day.

Sweet Peas & Parrot Tulips by Belle Fleur NYC

Many brides continue to favor classic whites and traditional ivories in their bouquets; yet, others dare to embrace color in every vibrant hue in Mother Nature’s rainbow. Paired with their love for fashion, today’s sophisticated brides can’t help but choose floral posies that embellish their overall silhouette with character, elegance and personality. It doesn’t hurt that the selection of flowers available on the global market is vast, giving floral designers every opportunity to offer their clients amazing choices year-round. And, they do!

White Anemone & Sweet Peas by Belle Fleur

Creative Partners Belle Fleur, SoireeDavid Stark Design and Bella Flora have designed every conceivable combination of flowers for their brides’ bouquets, including: monochromatic parrot tulips and sweet peas in ruffled shades of purple and aubergine; sweet smelling, frilly white peonies and fragrant gardenias; and whimsical, loosely composed garden bouquets of succulents, thistle, coleus and clematis. Just to name a few!  Our talented partners have shared a few of their creations with us and here are our favorites. We hope they inspire your bouquet design, enjoy!

Lucy Diaz-Flores of Bella Flora
Gorgeous Pink Peonies by Lucy Diaz-Flores of Bella Flora
Lucy Diaz-Flores of Bella Flora
Peonies, Roses & Dusty Miller by Tara Guerard, Soiree 
Gerbera, Lilac & Sweet Pea by Tara Guerard, Soiree
White Peonies & Gardenias by Tara Guerard, Soiree
Succulents, Coleus, Clematis & Thistle by David Stark Design
Stephanotis, Freesia & Viburnum Berry by David Stark Design
Fringe Tulips & Dahlias by David Stark Design