Valentine's Day Love with Photographer Andy Marcus

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, we thought we’d ask a happily married man {who just happens to be a fabulous wedding photographer} to share some Valentine’s Day inspiration with us. Andy Marcus of Fred Marcus Photography, a photography studio in New York that spans three generations and 70 years of artistry, is not only sharing plenty of his GORGEOUS wedding images; he’s also offering a little insight on love. Trust us, there’s plenty of straightforward and sentimental stuff as well as some sassy red hot, heart-inspired photos… Thanks Andy!

Fred Marcus

{THE BRIDAL CIRCLE}:  We just have to know, what is the most romantic thing you ever did for your wife?

{ANDY MARCUS}:  We went on the QE2 on a cruise to nowhere. Just a fun way to spend a few days on an amazing ship doing absolutely nothing. Just being with my lovely lady.

Fred Marcus Photography
Fred Marcus Photography
{TBC}:  What is your all time favorite love story movie?

{ANDY MARCUS}: You’ve Got Mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It’s the quintessential New York City love story – with the city and of course the film story itself.

Fred Marcus Photography
Fred Marcus Photography
{TBC}:  Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

{ANDY MARCUS}: Milk, of course.

Fred Marcus Photography
Fred Marcus Photography
{TBC}:  When you’re photographing bridal couples do you encourage them to be spontaneous during the shoot or is posed something that works better?

{ANDY MARCUS}:  I like couples to be themselves ALWAYS.  I dislike stiff formal photographs with people having strained expressions on their faces.  I like to kid around and get excited for my couples and I think that translates beautifully into amazing images that tell a story for generations to come. 

Fred Marcus Photography
Fred Marcus Photography
{TBC}:  What are some of the things you do to keep your wife in love with you? 
{ANDY MARCUS}: My wife works with me and we kid around that she is sleeping with the boss.  Humor and playfulness are a must. We try to do a lot of special things together from simple trips to new restaurants to going to galleries and looking at art for inspiration. 
Fred Marcus Photography
Fred Marcus Photography
Fred Marcus Photography has been in the business of photographing upscale events for almost years.  As a family business that is composed of both Andy Marcus as well as his son, Brian, as principal photographers, Fred Marcus Photography provides cutting edge photography that other studios emulate. For more information on Fred Marcus Photography, we encourage you to visit their website or their Creative Partner profile here on The Bridal Circle.