It's Sunday, Find Some Time to Have a Little FUN!

Time is what our lives are made of and failure to use it properly is disastrous. Everyone has to juggle different demands in a busy schedule, which only gets compounded by the additional stress wedding planning can create.  So, making time to have some fun is a must!

But some of you have forgotten what FUN is! Sad, right? But it’s true. A surprising number of us spend so much time thinking about what we wish we found fun, or what we think we ought to find fun, or what our friends find fun, that we’ve lost touch with how to have REAL fun.

If you don’t know what to do for fun, ask yourself, “What did I do for fun when I was a child?” You’d probably enjoy that activity now. Exploring the woods, playing with your dog, riding your bike, decorating a cake, dancing around the room,  visiting the local zoo…

For your own sanity, think of ways to incorporate some childhood fun into your life everyday.

{Photo by Creative Partner, Lisa Lefkowitz}